Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wow! I can't believe he was 5 wks old this past Sunday.


Blogger Gruenes said...

How much does Zach weigh now?

6:46 AM  
Blogger Untermeyer said...

I'm not really sure how much he weighs now, but at his 2 1/2 week check up he was weighed at 11lbs 1oz. So for the first 2 wks he was gaining like a pound a week. Hes a big boy, not really all that chubby just solid. His next appt is his 2 month checkup which will be on Nov 7th, then I will let you know how much he weighs.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for some new pics :) Love yall

2:50 PM  

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