Monday, February 27, 2006

What a big boy!

Dawn, this is the outfit that you sent that is 24months its a little big but not very much.


Blogger Gruenes said...

So, Amy what do you feed Zachary? I'm just kidding. All I can say is "Wow", Alyssa still wears some of her 6-9 month clothes, but mostly 9-12 month and she is almost 11 months old. How much did Devin and Tyler weigh at 5 months old. That is just unbelievable.


8:30 PM  
Blogger Untermeyer said...

Not sure how big Devin and Tyler were at 5 months. If they are one piece outfits then he can wear the 24 months but two piece outfits he can wear some 9 months and 12months. The pants are a little long but the shirts barely fit him. I have some feet pajama's and a couple outfits that tyler wore when we first got here and zach can wear them and there a little big like this outfit...but not much.Once he starts walking he will thin out I'm sure.

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww aint he soooo cute.. But yeah, what did u feed him?

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is crazy! I am glad I sent some of the bigger stuff now. I know how much you like the one piece outfits so I sent those. Tyler was nearly has big as Zachary. I think he was in about the right size for his age and Devin was tiny. What a surprise huh? He hasn't changed!

5:25 PM  

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