Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What a big boy!

At Wic today they weighed Zachary at 27lbs 5 oz and he was 29 1/4 inches long. I'm surprised that he has gained weight in the last month since he had pneumonia, he would only eat formula and no cereal and he wasn't drinking as much formula as normal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is sooo precious :) I miss yall soo much

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe he is already wearing that outfit. Brayden wore that outfit last winter back home....

7:06 AM  
Blogger Untermeyer said...

I kept waiting to wear this outfit on him cause is looked so big but I thought I would try it. Its a good thing I did cause the legs and arms are a little long but the arms are almost to tight for him to wear it and we have to unbutton the top but cause its too tight around his neck. I told you he is big. I have some 12 month pants that he can wear and they just fit him but the shirts that go with them are way too tight. Wic said his weight and height are not proportionate, hes weighs more than normal for his length

6:08 PM  

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