Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just got home from the outdoor pool

Zachary loves the swimming pools. He doesn't really like to be in the floats too much. He would rather walk around and hang on to the edge. He is getting really daring trying to walk. At home he will let go and take a step and then fall. So hopefully not too much longer. In the pool he thinks he can walk by himself, he is always letting go of the edge and trying to walk to get to the other kids.


Blogger Gruenes said...

It looks like you got a little color in your cheeks, Zachary. You are too cute!!!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Gruenes said...


It has almost been a month since you posted last. Everyone has been getting on my case and it has only been three weeks since I posted last, so I just had to give you some crap.


10:39 PM  

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