Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Before we started Trick-or-Treating
Zachary loved running from house to house...he was way more interested in all the people in their costumes then worrying about getting to the house quickly. He was checking out everyone and everything.
They all had so much fun this year!!!
Even had to stop and take a look inside to see what was going on!All done Trick-or-Treating for the night. Zachary as you can see is exausted...walking around for almost 2 hours he was ready to get back in the car and head home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you all had fun trick or treating. We took Brayden out for about an hour and then he was ready to just hand out candy...he would rather do that.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not gonna lie to you zach lookin in the window is kinda


9:47 PM  

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