Monday, November 24, 2008

Dinosaur Park

Devin riding the gocart/bike
Me and Zachary

Zachary jumping on the trampoline

Tyler jumping on the trampoline

Devin sticking out of the neck


Blogger Gruenes said...

Wow, I am very impressed it has only been almost 8 months since you posted last. I was getting ready to quit checking your blog, but of course I didn't. I love the pictures, keep them coming. Dinosaur Park looks like a blast!!! I'm sure there is a lot to do in your area, as it is the same here in Germany. We love it here, we just really miss the family. My sister will be here in 11 days, then in January Bill's brother will be here for over a week. Then about a week after Ben leaves Bill's parents will be here for a week. We are so looking forward the company/help with the girl's since the baby will be here in about three weeks. We are getting very excited to meet him. Anyway I love the pictures.

8:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is about TIME you put some pictures up.. Sadly, not enough! Keep them coming!!

8:35 PM  

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