Untermeyers Pics

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our new house

This is the house they offered us once it came available to live in. We ended moving in Aug 2008. We absolutely love the new house. Its a 4 bedroom just like our other but bigger. We have 2 full bathrooms and one 1/2 bathroom. A separate laundry room unlike our old house where the washing machine and dryer were in the kitchen. We also have a garage attached which is awesome...most houses in England don't have garages and if they do aren't big enough for a car to fit in. This house also has pull down screens on the windows, so we don't have flys flying around all the time. This is definately an upgrade from the first house : )

Pictures of our 1st house we lived in

This is where we lived when we first go to England. We lived in Newmarket which is about 15 mins from the bases. It is government housing but just not on the base. The Military decided they weren't going to lease the housing again once the lease ran out. So everyone had to be out of the housing by Oct 31, 2008. They gave us the choice of moving to economy housing or moving into other government housing. We decided we wanted to live on the base since it would be alot more convienient for the kids with school and sports and also groceries. So we were put on a waiting list because we wanted the brand new housing that was being built.

Playing in the water

Playdoh and Bubbles

Tyler and Zachary love playing with playdoh and bubbles

Playing Devin's Guitar Hero

Friday, January 23, 2009

Father's Day

Spent the afternoon flying kites. The kids had a blast!

Checking out the deer

We paid to take a train into the deer park area where the guides stopped and talked about the deer and put food around the train for the deer. As you can see they would come very close to us to get the food. We really enjoyed this and the kids loved that they would come so close to us.

Few more Dinosaur Park pictures

We definately should invest in one of these for the kids...lol

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dinosaur Park

Devin riding the gocart/bike
Me and Zachary

Zachary jumping on the trampoline

Tyler jumping on the trampoline

Devin sticking out of the neck

Dinosaur Park

Tyler sticking out of the middle of the dinosaur
Daddy and Zachary in the neck

We drove to a dinosaur park that is about an hour or so away from base. We went with some friends of ours and the kids had a blast. They had fake dinosaurs throughout the park and also had some that you could walk into and slide down. They had a sand area they could play in, swing and slide area, miniture golf, petting zoo, little pedal bikes/gocarts and they also had an area where you could take a train/wagon ride and they would bring you back to where the deer were. The guides got out and fed the deer around the train/wagon we were in and the deer would come right next to us. The kids really enjoyed everything and there was lots of walking involved because the park was pretty big.

Zachary singing

I found Zach sitting on the platform between the first and second set of steps singing and playing with the train set...that is the noise in the background.

Caught him!

Zachary thought it would be fun to get in our friends baby jumper...lol

Tyler's turn

Lots of fun

Zachary had a blast playing on the slip and slide.....and the water was freezing cold even with it being really hot outside.

Fun in the Sun!

Playing on the water slide with Devin's friend Alex on one of the few hot days we had this past summer.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Trying out Tylers New toy

I got a new camera for Christmas so now I will beable to add a few videos. Zachary likes to try and sing all the songs, he has a blast...even though he puts his month on the microphone like hes going to eat it...lol

Opening a few late X-mas presents

We finally received the last box in the mail so then the kids were able to open all the presents from Auntie Tammy, Uncle Eric and Adam. Thanks for the awesome gifts : )

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Playing their new computer game!!

Zachary thinks he's such a big guy when he gets to play on the computer : )

First video with our new camera!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Zachary opening Presents!!!

Thanks Uncle Jeromy, Auntie Dawn, Brayden and Tristan for the great presents : )