Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our new house

This is the house they offered us once it came available to live in. We ended moving in Aug 2008. We absolutely love the new house. Its a 4 bedroom just like our other but bigger. We have 2 full bathrooms and one 1/2 bathroom. A separate laundry room unlike our old house where the washing machine and dryer were in the kitchen. We also have a garage attached which is awesome...most houses in England don't have garages and if they do aren't big enough for a car to fit in. This house also has pull down screens on the windows, so we don't have flys flying around all the time. This is definately an upgrade from the first house : )


Anonymous Dawn said...

Now that you have facebook maybe you will upload pictures more often. It is so much easier than on here. That is where I put all of my pics so anyone who wants to see needs to have a facebook account. It is user friendly.

12:55 PM  

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