Untermeyers Pics

Monday, November 28, 2005

Zachary watching us put up the Christmas tree

Putting up the Christmas tree

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Big Fat Guy!!!!

Tyler is a crazy kid, he always stuffs all of his small blankets down his pants or sometimes he puts some of his toys in his pant legs.

Tired little guy!

Zachary had his 2 month check-up today and he weighed 18 lbs and 23 3/4 inches long. He falls in the 90 percentile. He is wearing 6 to 9 month clothes and they fit just perfect. By x-mas he will probally grow out of them.

Little chubby guy

Eight weeks old on Daddy's b-day.

Zachary hanging out in his new swing

Tyler jumping around on the couch!

Holding his bottle????

Before trick or treating, Zach was so hungry he was holding his own bottle!!! Thats the only time he has done that.


Jeff didn't tell me that Zachary was hidden behind Devins shoulder!
Buzz Lightyear, Pea Pod and Batman, They had a blast Trick or Treating. Tyler really had fun!