Untermeyers Pics

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

More snow pictures!


It snowed overnight and kept snowing for half the day. This was the first snow fall of the winter. Tyler was waiting for snow so he could have a snowball fight. On his Sponge Bob christmas movie they have a snowball fight and thats all Tyler wanted to do after watching the movie. They all had so much fun playing in the snow....even the big kid....Jeff!

Look how much he has grown in less than a month!

His feet touch the bottom now. He has also figured out how to turn the seat to play with all the toys.

Going bye-bye

He loves playing with the animals that hang on his carseat and he really likes his white bear blanket....we always bring it with us when we go somewhere.

They grow so fast!

Zachary loves his butterfly, its easy for him to hold on to and for him to bite on! On January 4th Zachary had a wic appointment and they weighed him at 22 lbs and I believe his length was 27 1/4 inches long. He's a big boy!
Whenever we get the camera out Tyler tells us to take a picture of him. He loves being in pictures!

Zachary laying in Tyler's bed with him

Tyler wanted Zachary to sleep with him all night, even when we told him that Zachary would cry in the middle of the night and wake him up he still wanted him to stay in his bed.

Tyler hiding in the basket...he says hes being a dog!

Daddy and Zachary/Mommy and Zachary

Zachary in his new saucer!

His feet barely touch the ground but he like to be standing up or sitting up.

Skateboarding in the hallway!

Tyler riding his new bike!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Some of Devin's Christmas Pictures!

A few of Zachary's Christmas Pictures!

Zach didn't really know what to think when everyone was opening presents and he wasn't really into grabbing the paper either. Next Christmas he will have alot more fun.

A few pictures from Christmas!

Tyler had alot of fun this year opening gifts. By about the 8th gift he didn't want to open anymore he just wanted his toys out of the boxes. His tricycle was his last gift and he was so excited that he got a "bike" as he calls it.

A few Santa gifts!