Untermeyers Pics

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A little happier!

This was later that night when we finally got Zach's temp down, it was 104.4 and he was miserable and after some motrin it was down to 101 and he was feeling much better.

Trying to get Zachary to eat some food!

I was trying to get Zach to eat some cereal instead of just formula. He wasn't feeling well. On the 14th Tyler was in the ER with 105.1 temp and they did a chest x-ray and blood work and determined he had acute bronchitis and developing pneumonia. On the 15th Jeff went into the Doctor and they did a chest x-ray and they determined he had bronchitis and the start of pneumonia in his right lung and was put on quarters for 72 hours. On the 16th Zach went to the ER with a cough and 102 temp and they did a chest x-ray and determined he had pneumonia in his right lung. So it was a long week, Ty and Jeff have finished their meds and Ty is better and Jeff isn't quite back to normal yet. Zach is on his meds for 10 days so for another week and then we will see how he is doing. It's been crazy around here!!

Zachary rolling over

He finally figured out how to get his arm out of the way to roll onto his tummy, but now he hasn't quite figured out how to roll back over. He will roll on his tummy and then cry until someone helps him back over.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Having fun playing in his saucer

I had to raise it up to the next higher level because he is so tall.

Zachary hanging out waiting to go bye-bye

Friday, March 10, 2006

He got caught

I tried to get the picture of him sucking on the tongue of the puppet but he seen me with the camera and stopped to see what I was doing...It was sooo cute!

Tyler being a prep in his outfit from Auntie Lisa