Untermeyers Pics

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A few more of him crawling

There he goes!!
The first couple days when he learned how to crawl he was slow and would stop after moving a little bit and sit back up. Now after 5 days he cruises all over the place and doesn't waste any time when he wants to see something.

Zachary learned how to crawl today!!

New stroller!

Here's the boys in their new stroller. They both enjoy going for walks.

Playing with Tyler

Zachary loves to try and climb on top of Tyler.

Playing around on the floor!

He wants to beable to crawl so bad. He has figured out how to get on his hands and knees and move his hands forward but he just hasn't moved his knees at the same time.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sticking his tongue out

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Bath pictures

8 Months old today!

If you look close enough you can see his two bottom teeth!

He hasn't figured out how to crawl yet but he will get on his hands and knees from a sitting position and then sometimes is able to get himself back to the sitting position. He just can't get his legs to move with his arms to crawl. He wants to beable to follow Tyler, he just can't figure it out. Hopefully soon.

Zachary playing pattycake

Sometimes Zach will start clapping when his toys play music or if you sing to him. It is too cute!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Playing with all his toys!

He was having a blast playing with his toys and pulling them all out of his basket. I caught him with a goofy smile!

Sooooooooo Serious!

Today Zachary got his first tooth! His bottom right side. A week later on May 3 he got his second tooth, on the bottom left. Wow! Its hard to believe that he's already getting teeth and is almost 8 months old. Time goes by fast.

Look at the cute little guy!