Untermeyers Pics

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The indoor swimming pool here on base

This was Zachary's first time swimming and he had a blast. He loved splashing. He like the float but he would rather just stand up in the water.

Hanging out with Daddy

Zachary loves to get a hold of Tyler's gameboy.

Looking out the patio window

Playing in Tyler's room

He doesn't get to go in Tyler's toom that often, cause theres so many small things he could choke on. When he does get to go in there he loves it, he trys to play with as many different toys as possible.

Look at that smile!

Now that he stands up using the furniture he is all over the place and trying to get into what ever he can reach. He has to be where everyone else is.

He thinks he such a big guy!

Today he learned how to stand up by himself using the furniture.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Playing in the clothes basket


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A few pics from Devin's B-day party


Getting into the computer desk!


What a big guy!

These pics were taken 5/30/2006, somehow our date on the camera got messed up. Zachary has mastered crawling, when he sees something or somewhere he wants to go he doesn't waste any time.