Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The New Sanno Hotel

These are pictures taken at the Hotel we stayed at. The New Sanno is an American hotel located in the Tokyo area. We planned on staying for a couple days but ended up leaving after one night, cause Zachary was sick and running a 105 temp for a few days and not sleeping at all. When we got back to the base we took Zachary to urgent care and they took blood(which was horrible, they had to stick him 3 times before getting it into his vein, he was screaming and crying) and ran some tests. His white blood count came back a little high so they gave him a shotin each leg with half a dose in each of antibiotics. Then the next day he had to go back and have the second dose 24 hours later. Whatever virus it was the antibiotics took care of. So he had a rough couple of days. Now hes doing 100% better!


Blogger Gruenes said...

I'm glad you are feeling better Zachary. You still look like you had a great time in the pool.

Thanks for finally posting again, Amy. I always check the blog when I am online. And it has been over a month. I hope all is well with all of you.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love these pics of Zachary, he is so cute.....I wish I could see him growing up...We love you and miss you and can't wait to see all of you!!

4:21 PM  

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