Untermeyers Pics

Friday, January 12, 2007

Chucky Cheese

The kids had a blast with Grandpa and Grandma! They loved their dog Dolly too.

Opening early Christmas presents from Auntie Lisa, Nick and Nate

At the restaurant

My Dad and Sandy were able to make a trip to Texas on their way to Arizona to see all of us. It was really nice that they went out of their way to come all the way down here to visit.
Jeff's Mom Kay and Kallie, one of Jeff's sisters.

We took Jeff's Mom, My Dad and Sandy out to eat for their Birthdays.


Pics of the boys playing video games in our Motel room. We left Japan on November 4th and arrived in Texas after a total of about 16 hours of flying. What a long trip. Zachary did not like the plane too much, he doesn't like to be confined in his carseat for very long. But overall everything went really well we made all of our planes. We will be spending 3 weeks in Texas and then off to England.
Tyler was mad so he went and sat in the closet and ended up falling asleep.

Halloween Pictures

All wrapped up!!

He thinks he so smart

After they packed all of our stuff the military brought us furniture to use until we could check out of our house. Zachary thought he was so cool cause the chairs and couch were low enough for him to beable to climb up on them.
Daddy was putting together the little animal puzzle and everytime he would finish Zachary would run over and grab a pieces and pull it apart.

Little Batman!!

Tyler's Birthday Party

He didn't want everyone to sing Happy Birthday to him!

Tyler Decorating his muffins for his Birthday Party

Tyler wanted blue berry muffins for his Birthday because he doesn't like cake or cupcakes.

Tyler's Birthday!!

At his School (CDC Preschool) they made him a crown and he got to be King for the whole day. He was very excited about that.

Zachary loves to hang on to Ty's shirt and walk around the house

Walking his puppy

He started crying when his puppy flipped over :(

Opening Birthday Presents

Halloween Costume...He makes such a cute cow!

He's growing so fast!