Untermeyers Pics

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finally caught up on all the pictures!!!

Tyler and Zachary hanging out together and coloring. Tyler has really gotten into trying to do the fun books that have mazes, coloring challenges and dot to dots.

Devin playing wow on the computer...I think Adam got him addicted to it while we were home in April!!

Zachary..........Crazy Guy!!

Being silly while eating lunch...he is always wanting to eat. He can just finish his lunch and if someone else has something he wants some of that too.
Playing outside........the top to the sandbox has grooves to drive cars on and he loves it. He is really into cars, trucks, motorcycles and choo choo's as he calls them.
Tyler brought home a sucker from his last day at British Preschool and he let Zachary have it, and he loved it.

Silly Boy!!

Zachary's newest thing to do is to empty him toys out of the toy box and then climb inside...silly silly boy!!

Tyler took these 2 pictures of Me and Zachary, the first one wasn't so good but the second one he did a great job!! Tyler always wants to get the camera and take pictures of anything and everything. Zachary will sit and let you take his picture and say cheese but then he wants to see the picture you took!

Happy 4th of July!!

A few pictures of how we spend the 4th. We didn't go anywhere on the 4th of July because Tyler had been sick the night before. He was complaining his head hurt at about 7 and he was running a temp of 103 so I gave him motrin and he went to sleep for the night. He was back up at 11pm with no temp and at about midnight his temp was back up to 104. When he got up in the morning on the 4th he wasnt running a temp but we didnt want to take the chance and go to the carnival, since it was outdoors and cold and rainy. Then during the night of the 4th of July Zachary woke up at about 2am and had puked all over himself and his bed, he was running 104 temp. He ran a temp on and off for the whole next day. So needless to say we didn't get to go to the carnival or see the fireworks on base, but at about 11pm on the 4th there were some people out by where we live that were letting some off so we were able to see a few from our window.

Eating Cheetos

We tried to get him to smile but he wouldn't do it, he had cheetos stuck on his front teeth he looked so silly!!

Zachary's new haircut

More Birthday Pictures

Zachary was so interested in all the kids that had skates so we got him some and he had a blast. He fell quite a few times but loved it.

He especially loved when Daddy got skates and was skating around with him, but he would get mad when Daddy would go off by himself and I would hold his hand and walk with him. He would let go of my hand and try to skate off on his own, he did pretty good but would sometimes fall.
Happy Birthday Devin!!!

Devin's Birthday Party at the Skating RInk

As you can see by Ty's face he was very angry when he first put his skates on because he was unable to figure out how to skate and kept falling.
Zachary thought it was so awesome to see everyone skating around
Devin and his friends

Once Tyler settled down and kept trying he was able to figure out how to skate and was so excited that he could do it. He gets frustrated when he can't do something and just won't listen to anyone when they try to help him.

Helping Daddy Grill

Sharing an apple for snack

Playing in the new Sandbox/Water Table

Wrestling Daddy

Back Home!!!

Laying on the floor resting

Visiters the night before we left North Dakota

Zachary just adores babies, he loved Tristan and was very gentle with him. We just had to keep a close eye on him cause he was really into baby dolls and touching their eyes so we had to make sure he wouldnt poke Tristans eyes.

Brayden and Alyssa playing togetherTammy holding Hannah, she is just a cutie!!