Untermeyers Pics

Friday, September 28, 2007

More Birthday Pics

He was listening to Devin read him the card...he was very interested.
Taking a peek to see what it is!

He had to try out the cars he received...he is really into any kind of cars!

Zachary's Birthday Party with Friends!!

When everyone was singing Happy Birthday he yelled out Stop It...he was not happy as you can see by the look on his face!
First to try and dig into the Scooby Doo cake...Man it took forever to decorate it!!

A Huge Thank You to everyone for the wonderful presents and coming out and sharing his special day!!

Devin broke his wrist!!!

Over the weekend Devin was playing outside at the park and was on a hose (that the kids had hung from one side of the slide to the other side and made a swing) he decided to get on the hose while 2 older boys were swinging it and he flew off and landed on his wrist wrong. We looked at it and thought he had just sprained it really bad because he could move his wrist and his elbow just fine except that it hurt. So Monday morning I called to get him in and they said to bring him to the ER. While in the ER they took and Xray and determined that he had broke his wrist, so they put this splint on it so he would stop moving it and allow the swelling to go down so they could cast it.
Got his cast on today! The doctor decided he needed to have a full arm cast so that he wouldnt beable to move his wrist at all. He had a one week check-up and another Xray and decided he would have to keep the cast until October 3rd. On the 3rd of October he will go back and have the cast removed and take another Xray. Depending on what the doctor says he will either be all done with having a cast or he may have to have a short arm cast. Devin is really hopeing the doctor will say he doesnt have to have another cast.

More cake pics

He decided he would like to eat cake with a spoon istead of getting his hands all messy!
Wanting a napkin to wipe off his face, he decided he has way too much on his mouth to eat anymore!
Trying to stuff as big of a bit as he can in his mouth!
When Daddy tries to help he was leaning back....no way was he gonna take any from Daddy's plate...lol
Big Cheesy Smile!!

Birthday Cake...Yummy

He was all serious here when we were singing Happy Birthday to him...he yelled stop it! He didn't want us singing to him.
He actually blew his candles out all by himself...Good Job Zach!
At first he would touch the frosting and lick his finger off...he wasn't about to get too messy.

He got a little more daring and was trying to eat some off the edge...so of course I had to help him a little and push his face into the cake...lol He was not very happy when he got too much frosting on his face he would ask for a napkin and want it off right away! Anytime he is eating and he knows he has food on his hands or face he will ask for a napkin and want it off otherwise he will not eat anymore.

Happy 2nd Birthday Zachary!!

He had a blast opening his presents and playing with the toys afterwards!!

Zachary loves taking pictures

Thinking hes cool trying to get a drink of my soda....even though its all gone!
Eating dinner..he has a tendency to put his hands in his hair when they are dirty as you can tell! Zach usually eats pretty good...hes the best eater out of the 3 boys.
New haircut....isn't he handsome : )

Playing outside

Tyler's 1st day of Kindergarten

He is so excited to start kindergarten....as he calls it his 5 year old school.

Playing in the Water Table

Instead of just playing in the water they decided to get each other soaking wet...this being the reason they are outside in a diaper and underware : )

Soaking his feet!!

One night after I had finished soaking my feet in my foot spa, Tyler thought he needed to also. He got Zachary's chair and sat down and soaked his feet...He thought that was the coolest thing ever.

Keeping Busy

Zachary sat and put money into the juice bottle for about and hour. He would put almost all of it in and then he would dump it all back onto the floor and start over again...he had a blast!!

Playing in the Sprinkler

Having fun in the Sun

It actually got warm one day and we decided to get a small pool, water balloons and a sprinkler. Tyler and Zachary had a blast in the pool and throwing water balloons at the shed. They also loved running threw the sprinkler!