Untermeyers Pics

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Playing their new computer game!!

Zachary thinks he's such a big guy when he gets to play on the computer : )

First video with our new camera!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Zachary opening Presents!!!

Thanks Uncle Jeromy, Auntie Dawn, Brayden and Tristan for the great presents : )

Devin opening Presents!!

Thank you Uncle Jeromy, Auntie Dawn, Brayden and Tristan for the cool gifts : )

Tyler opening Presents

Thank you Uncle Jeromy, Auntie Dawn, Brayden and Tristan for the awesome gifts : )

Santa dropped off Presents!!!

Merry Christmas : )

Putting out the Reindeer food!!

Tyler got 2 packages of reindeer food from his school party. It was oats and glitter and your supposed to put it out Christmas Eve night so when the wind blows the reindeer can find your house and then they can have a snack while waiting. Since he had an extra package he gave one to the neighbor so she could feed the reindeer alos : )

Three Goofballs!!!

A little blurry...not sure what happened : (


Zachary was more interested in all the decorations set up around santa. The Snow globes and the trees.

Christmas Presents from Auntie Lisa and Nathaniel

Thanks for the wonderful presents : )

Crazy Hair!!!

Presents from Tyler

Tyler got to go shopping at his School Christmas Store. He bought all of us a present and did a very good job picking things we would like. He was so excited when he brought them home wrapped in the bags. He had us open them the day he brought them home because he said he didn't want to wait till Christmas and since he bought them he got to decide when we should open them.

Setting up the Christmas Tree

At first Zachary didn't care for the branches all that much since they are so pokey, but after a little bit he thought it was pretty cool to help put them in the tree post!