Taking a nap after a long afternoon at the doctor. He went in for his 4 month/6 month check-up since hes a little over 5 months they did both of them at the same time. The doctors are so booked he was unable to get in when he was 4 months. Today he weighed in at 25 lbs 6 ozs and he was 29 1/4 inches long. He is way over the 95 percentile for height and weight.
Tyler had to be in the picture!! He's definately not camera shy. Zachary has almost got it down he just hasn't figured out how to get his arm out of the way so he can completely roll over.
Zachary always tries to reach for anything you have in your hands. If you are holding him and taking a drink of something he will try to grab the glass. He has made me spill my drink before by slapping at the glass.