Untermeyers Pics

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A few pictures of the boys

What a big boy, he's 7 months old and hes wearing 24month clothes and they fit perfect for now.

Finding Easter eggs

Zachary really loved his singing Easter bunny

The boys with their Easter baskets

Coloring Easter eggs!

Tyler thought it was the coolest thing to draw on the eggs with the invisible crayon.

Monday, April 17, 2006

After the egg hunt

Zachary loved playing with all the eggs!

After the egg hunt

Pictures with the Easter Bunny

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What a big boy!

At Wic today they weighed Zachary at 27lbs 5 oz and he was 29 1/4 inches long. I'm surprised that he has gained weight in the last month since he had pneumonia, he would only eat formula and no cereal and he wasn't drinking as much formula as normal.

He's growing up so fast!

Zachary sits up by himself really good now, we still put a pillow behind him cause sometimes he just likes to lay back and he doesn't realize that hes gonna hurt his head. Now that he can sit up he doesn't really like to lay on the floor. When he is laying on the floor if he rolls over onto his tummy he will start crying after about 2 mins cause he doesn't like being on this tummy. He still hasn't learned how to roll onto his back from his tummy.

Some pics from the Spring Fling at Devin's school

Zachary enjoyed being outside and watching all the kids.
Tyler is in the middle of the picture but he is hard to see cause of his orange sweatshirt he kind of blends in.

Devin and Tyler with the Panda bear that is the school mascot.

Tyler and Zachary

Tyler feeding his little brother well not so little, I guess I should say baby brother!

First time in his highchair

We have always put him in his bouncy chair to feed him cereal, but hes getting to big and he tries to lean forward to get out of it. He had a blast in the highchair he thought it was so cool to bang his hands on the table.

Sitting by himself

He does pretty good all by himself except if he tries to reach to the side he won't put his arm down to stop from falling. He also throws himself backwards alot, so we make sure to put pillows and blankets around him if hes not sitting between our legs.

Here's Zachary resting with Daddy!