Untermeyers Pics

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Just got home from the outdoor pool

Zachary loves the swimming pools. He doesn't really like to be in the floats too much. He would rather walk around and hang on to the edge. He is getting really daring trying to walk. At home he will let go and take a step and then fall. So hopefully not too much longer. In the pool he thinks he can walk by himself, he is always letting go of the edge and trying to walk to get to the other kids.

Playing in the Bath tub!

The boys had a wic appointment on July 3rd and they weighed Zachary at 31 lbs and Tyler at 32 1/2 lbs. Tyler is basically just taller than Zachary. I believe they measured Zachary around 31 or 32 inches for length and Tyler was about 40 inches. If Tyler doesn't start growing Zachary will catch up in no time.

Zachary watching Daddy play on the computer!

Zachary has figured out if he stands on his tippy toes he can reach the keyboard for Devin and Tyler's computer. He wants to be like the "big boys"!

Messing with the air conditioner!