Untermeyers Pics

Monday, August 28, 2006

Zachary being goofy wearing a hat that is way too small

Zachary thought it was funny to wear the hat, he was walking around the living room with it on and he was slapping his belly and laughing. He's such a silly guy and has such a personality already.

Zacharys first big boo boo!!

He was walking and was about to fall and tried to catch himself on the coffee table but didn't catch himself intime and hit the side of his eye on the table and brusied it and cut it!! Poor guy!

Hanging out watching cartoons

Zachary's newest accomplishment

Zachary figured out how to climb up on to Tyler's bed so whenever he gets to play in Tyler's room he will climb up there and pull toys out of the toy box.

11 Months

He did it! He has walking down, he walks all over the house. He will walk around the kitchen table over and over and up and down the hallway. He still falls once in a while, and catches himself with his hands and will stand back up and continue. Wow....hes getting so big, one more month and he'll be a year. Time goes by so fast!!

Working on his walking!

He is almost there, maybe another week and he should have it down!!

Under the stool!

He thinks he can fit under or through anything small, especially when he knows hes not supposed to be there.

The Ueno Zoo

When we stayed at the New Sanno we took the trains to the Ueno Zoo. The kids really loved seeing all the animals.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The New Sanno Hotel

These are pictures taken at the Hotel we stayed at. The New Sanno is an American hotel located in the Tokyo area. We planned on staying for a couple days but ended up leaving after one night, cause Zachary was sick and running a 105 temp for a few days and not sleeping at all. When we got back to the base we took Zachary to urgent care and they took blood(which was horrible, they had to stick him 3 times before getting it into his vein, he was screaming and crying) and ran some tests. His white blood count came back a little high so they gave him a shotin each leg with half a dose in each of antibiotics. Then the next day he had to go back and have the second dose 24 hours later. Whatever virus it was the antibiotics took care of. So he had a rough couple of days. Now hes doing 100% better!

Zachary learning to walk

He takes about 5 steps and then falls, he doesn't have it down quite yet. It won't be long!!!!

Tyler sharing his ring pop with Zachary