Untermeyers Pics

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I am finally caught up on posting, its been a while. Just to let everyone know we are still waiting for our paper orders but should have them by the end of next week. When we leave here in November we will be making a trip to Texas for a couple weeks and then onto England. I don't have our new address yet but once I do I will email everyone and also email a different email address that will be current. We will also be making a trip to North Dakota in April for Tammy's wedding, we hope to visit with everyone while we are home. If anything changes I will keep you informed.

Devin pushing Zachary around the house

Zachary loves Devin pushing him in the basket. Everytime Devin would stop Zach would start screaming and yell go! It was too cute!

New Pj's

Zachary and Tyler had wic appointments today, Zachary is 32 1/2 lbs and 32 1/2 inches tall. Tyler is 35 lbs and 41 inches tall. They are growing so fast.

Theres something about this cabinet!!

Zachary a little over 1!
Here's Tyler at about 1 1/2 years old!

Riding his new scooter

We bought Tyler an early Birthday present so that he would have time to use it before they come and pack all of our stuff.

Opening presents from Auntie Lisa, Nick and Nate

Thanks for the presents the boys love them...Even though Tyler said he didn't like his spongebob outfit!

Birthday presents from Auntie Dawn, Uncle Jeromy and Brayden

Thanks for the wonderful gifts, they love them.

Look at that handsome boy!!

Playing with his toys from his BIrthday Party


Look at that smile! Happy Birthday baby Zachy!!!

Zachary checking out Baby Aiden

Look at the size difference, Zach is 1 and Aiden is 6 months!

He loves the bouncing Tigger

Zachary loves anything that makes noise.

Opening Presents!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Zachary's 1st Birthday Party!!!

He didn't know what to think when everyone started singing Happy Birthday.
He did not like the cake at all!!!

He was mad at first he wanted to grab the cake and candle! As you can see here he still didn't like the cake, he was gagging on it and threw it up!

Cruising around in the hallway

He thinks it so fun to walk around in the hallway and make noises, cause it echos. Anytime the door opens he trys to push his way thru everyone to get in the hallway.

He loves climbing in and out of the basket

He has gotten so big!!

I was able to get one picture of him before he seen the camera and came running. Whenever he sees the camera he wants to see the pictures that were taken and he won't stay still for me to get pictures.

Blowing bubbles